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Kern County Firefighters Association Endorse Dr. Jasmeet Bains for Re-election

Jasmeet Bains for Assembly

Today, Dr. Jasmeet Bains’ campaign for re-election to AD 35 announced the endorsement of the Kern County Firefighters Association.

David Nelson, President of the Kern County Firefighters Local 1301, said: “Dr. Jasmeet Bains has proven to be an advocate for public health and safety, from her time on the front lines in our communities, to her fight against fentanyl in Sacramento. During her time on the frontlines, she gained insight that is unmatched and truly shows she understands what it takes to keep communities healthy and safe in the most challenging of times. Dr. Bains has been and will continue to be a strong partner in keeping Kern County families and communities safe. Dr. Bains continues to prove this in her fight for vital funding to provide strong healthcare and ensure firefighters and other public safety officials have the resources they need. Kern County Firefighters Association is proud to endorse Dr. Jasmeet Bains in her re-election to the State Assembly and looks forward to continuing the fight for a safer, healthier Kern side by side.”

The Kern County Firefighters Association is a local professional firefighters association comprised of over 550 men and women dedicated to public safety in Kern County. They are one of the largest fire department unions in California and are committed to protecting our communities.

Dr. Jasmeet Bains said, “It is truly an honor to have the strong, unequivocal support of the Kern County Firefighters Association, whose members risk their lives to keep our communities and homes safe. I am dedicated to ensuring our firefighters have the tools and resources to safely get the job done, and that they have a champion in the Assembly standing up for them. I know that together, we will accomplish even more to protect public safety in my next term.”

The Kern County Firefighters Association joins a growing list of public safety organizations who have thrown their early support behind Dr. Bains’ re-election to the State Assembly. They include the Bakersfield Police Officers Association, the Delano Police Officers Association, the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, and others in endorsing Dr. Bains.

Election Day is March 5, 2024.

To learn more, visit

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